We all think that we know how to do social for our audience and to some extent we are right. Have you ever looked at ‘insights’ and thought to yourself “How could 300 people have looked at my post and nobody liked or commented on it?”
Sometimes our efforts to do things “right” can come out awkward and make us look too ‘salesy’.

Keep it Focused
Posts with less than 50 characters get the most likes, shares and comments. Make your objective/ offer/ text succinct. From Buzzsumo
Make that text a question! Posts with Questions get more engagement than posts that make a statement.
Best question words in terms of engagement: Should, Would, Which, & Who. From SocialMarketingWriting

Make it Pretty
Include an image to get 50% more likes

If it suits your audience, use provocative photos or text. Anything that causes an emotional reaction in people. If you show them an image that taps into a problem- make the text very clearly present the solution.
From Hubspot

Emotions get Reactions
Do use emoticons. Think of them as mini, stylized pictures. Even this tech news company uses emoticons. From Bitrebels

Keep Your Text Clean and Readable
Have a clear call to action (aka CTA) This ‘bacteria killing robot’ has a link to their kickstarter link and a “Shop Now “button. Also don’t use hashtags -it makes text look ugly and less like an earnest communication. From Bitrebels